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Life After Demil

The Pueblo Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant (PCAPP) and the Blue grass Agency Destruction Pilot Plant (BGCAPP) were constructed and systemized to complete the demilitarization of chemical weapons in Pueblo, Colorado and Richmond, Kentucky respectively.  Amentum operated and maintained these facilities to support the overarching destruction of the chemical weapons and explosives including (1) the Main Plant for destruction of the stockpile (2) Static Detonation Chambers to support destruction of problematic rounds that cannot be processed in the Main Plant and (3) Anniston, Alabama Static Detonation Chamber for processing of non-contaminated explosives. The Amentum team is proud to support destruction of post- World War II legacy high hazard chemical weapons.  We were here to make the world a safer place!


As the teams at all three locations come closer to completing their missions, we will bid farewell to team members as they move to life after demil.


This microsite provides current information on the Perform Incentives for Operations and Closure, Frequently Asked Questions, and Instructions regarding Benefits and how employees can provide notifications of any change of address/bank routing information after your departure.  The Chem Demil Program gratefully thanks YOU for all your support to our mission!

Current Plant Statuses




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